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Thursday, 22 December 2011



                    如果想和大象亲近一些,哪游客们就应该坐上大象的背上,                                       好让大象带你 游览四处的风景。








Monday, 28 November 2011

6N7D 江南+嘉兴水乡

D1 入境/上海/杭州  (晚餐)
下午机场接机后,BUS (约3小时)前往杭州,游览 (长桥公园) LONG BRIDGE GARDEN,遍布石桌石凳,花团锦簇,桂树摇摆,是品茗休息的佳地。接着游览 (西湖新天地)WEST LAKE XINTIANDI,位于西湖南岸,云集了世界知名的咖啡馆,会所,餐厅,娱乐场所。
*住宿: 4星酒店

D2 杭州/嘉兴/苏州  (早餐 : 酒店内自助餐 午餐 : 杭州风味  晚餐)
早餐后,(船游西湖)BOAT TOUR WEST LAKE,西湖四季景色如画,迷人欲醉。后游览(花港观鱼)VIEWING FISH AT FLOWER POND,你可在此赏花观景,接着至(梅坞问茶)MEIJIAWU TEA,採茶,赏茶,品茶。午餐后,BUS(约1.5小时) 前往武侠巨人的故乡---嘉兴。游览(月河古镇)YUEHE WATER TOWN,小港小街迂回曲折,小河,狭弄,旧民居,展现了浓厚的水乡古城风貌。接着游览亁隆皇帝六下江南所到之地---南湖。(船游南湖,上湖心岛,登烟雨楼) CRUISE IN NAN LAKE,MID-LAKE ISLAND,YANYU TOWER,取自“多少楼台烟雨中”,微雨欲来,轻烟满湖,登楼远眺”。BUS(约1小时)前往苏州。游览(金鸡湖风景区)JINJI LAKE,传说有金鸡落于湖中船上而得名。接着亲临巨型商业母---苏州(圆融时代广场)YUANRONG TIMES SQUARE,触摸世界最大(天幕)SKY SCREEN,一睹“世界第一天幕”的风采。这座500米长,32米的巨型LED天幕取代了美国赌城拉斯维加斯的400米“天幕”成为世界第一。晚餐后,夜游(李公堤)LIGONG CAUSEWAY,灯光闪耀,火树银花,美不胜收,与上海外滩夜景相嫓美,是江南又一亮丽新风景。(观前街)GUANQIAN STREET,品当地各种小吃。
*住宿: 4星酒店

D3 苏州/南京 (早餐: 酒店内自助餐 午餐: 苏州风味 晚餐)
早餐后,(船游藕园)GARDEN OF COUPLE‘S RETREAT,藕园有东方式的“罗曼蒂克”之称,东临护城河,环境优美,同时乘船游古运河,别有一番风味。接着参观(传统丝绸工厂)SILK FACTORY,观赏丝绸时装表演,了解丝绸得制作过程。后游览(平江路老城)PINGJIANGLU OLD TOWN,古街小港,感受江南老城风味。午餐后,BUS(3.5小时)前往南京,游览(长江大桥)NANJING YANGTZE RIVER BRIDGE,是新中国第一座依靠自己的力量设计施工建造而成的铁路,公路两用桥,它的建成开创了我国“自力更生”建设大型桥梁的新纪元。随后游览(明城墙)MING CITY WALL,中国现存的第一大城墙,而且是世界第一大城墙。
*住宿: 4星酒店

D4 南京/无锡 (早餐 : 酒店内自助餐  午餐 : 南京风味   晚餐)
早餐后,参观(南京大屠杀纪念馆)NANJING MASSACRE MEMORIAL HALL,深入了解并铭记这段永远不能忘却的历史。然后,参观(玉器博览商场)JADE-CARVING CRYSTAL MANUFACTURE & EXHIBITION CENTRE,精美极致的玉器。午餐后,BUS(约2.5 小时)赶无锡,游览(蠡湖公园)LIHU PARK,国内华贵的欧洲式建筑,经典的西方雕像,美妙的音乐喷泉。后前往(长广溪湿地公园)CHANGGUANG WET LAND PARK,古庙,古街。接着参观(紫砂艺苑)ZISHA ARTS GALLERY,无锡最富有文化艺术的紫砂博物馆。晚餐后,夜游(八佰伴)BABAIBAN自由逛街购物。
*住宿: 4星酒店

 D5 无锡/上海 (早餐 : 酒店内自助餐  午餐 : 无锡风味   晚餐)
早餐后,前往(三国城)THREE KINGDOM CITY,是为拍摄大型影视剧{三国演义}而建造的大型三国主题公园,可乘坐古战船游太湖,并观看三英战吕布表演。后前往(太湖珍珠管)TAIHU PEARL FACTORY,琳琅满目的珍珠令人目不暇接。午餐后,BUS(1.5小时)前往上海。游览(天禄城)TIANLU CITY,聆听风水文化知识。然后前往中国第一街(南京路)NANJING ROAD,自由活动。后游览远近知名(外滩)THE BUND,上海的金融中心,又被称为“东方华尔街”
*住宿: 4星酒店

D6  上海  (早餐 : 酒店内自助餐  午餐 : 上海风味   晚餐)
早餐后,游览(城隍庙商业区)CHENGHUANGMIAO,感受{清明上河图} 里的乡士气息,倍感亲切。接着前往(同仁养生)TONG REN TANG,以制药精益求精的严细精神而闻名,其产品更以{配方独特,选料上乘,疗效显著}。登上世界最高城市观光楼(上海环球金融中心)SHANGHAI WORLD FIANACIAL CENTER,外滩的万国建筑博览群,南浦大桥,杨浦大桥全部尽收眼底,如云中漫步,浦江两岸美景尽在眼底。午餐后,赠送半天自由活动。
*住宿: 4星酒店

D7 上海/出境   (早餐 : 酒店内自助餐  午餐)

RM850.00 PER PAX

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Pulau Pangkor Malaysia

Pangkor Island
The main island of Pangkor is mainly populated by fisherfolk who occupy the eastern coastline.

The island is famous for its 'ikan bilis' (anchovies) and squids.

The real attraction here however are the enchanting beaches on the western coastline Pantai Puteri Dewi, Teluk Belanga, Teluk Nipah and Pasir Bogak.

Among these, the quiet coves and untrodden bays at Tortoise Bay, Teluk Nipah and Teluk Cempedak are marvellous for swimming or just basking in the sun, in complete privacy amidst tranquil surroundings

Amidst such beauty and tranquillity, one tends to suddenly feel relaxed and lethargic - too lazy for any kind of activity. However, when there is so much to see and do, it is soon time to get up and go.

One of the best way to see the island is to go on a round island trip by taxi. The trip costs approximately RM25.00 -RM30.00. As you travel around the coastal roads, you will see quaint Malay villages with wooden houses on stilts under the shade of coconut trees.

Now and then, you'll catch glimpses of the white sand and the shimmering blue sea. In the forests, you may chance upon the shy deer or playful monkeys darting among the branches.

Pangkor come into the fore when the Pangkor treaty was signed between the Malays and the British in 1874, It Marked the first British intervention into the Malay Peninsular except for Malacca which led to the Perak War in 1875.

It was also the beginning of British rule in the Malay States. The table on which the Pangkor Treaty was signed is still on display at the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur.

The Dutch trade in tin with Perak in 1680 led to the construction of the Dutch Fort at Teluk Gedung, Pangkor.

Traditionally Pangkor islands which is located about 7 kilomatres west of Lumut, comprises a number of fishing villages. Now, even though the fisherman are still there, Pangkor island has changed dramatically into a world class tourist destination.
Lumut's history is intertwined with the history of Manjung, an ancient Malay Kingdom at times rival to Bruas and Gangga Negara. Later it saw some commercial activities enhanced by colonial adventurers and later still increased trade in tin.

Lumut Town is located approximately 80 kilometers to the south-west of Ipoh and about 200 kilometres to the north-west of Kuala Lumpur.

Lumut now is a bustling seaside resort town whose importance is fully enhanced by the Royal Malaysia Navy complex situated nearby. It is fast becoming one of the most important tourist centers in Malaysia.

Stop at Pangkor, the little picturesque town of narrow streets and corner coffee shops. The Nyonya marble topped tables and antique clocks gracing the walls, contribute to its old world charm.

Take a leisurely stroll to the port and watch the fishing boats return with their fresh catch. See how the fish are packed in ice before being dispatched to the mainland.

Wander off to the fishing villages and see how the fishermen pull in their nets from the sea, nets filled with wriggling fish, the bountiful harvest from the deep. Join their happy laughter, listen to their happy songs - be a part of it all!

For a bit of history, visit the old Dutch Fort at Teluk Gedung. Built in 1670, it was used for storing tin and was one of the Dutch strongholds against pirates and local Malays, Today, only the stone foundations remain to remind us of the power they once exercised over the area.

If your main interest is the sea and water-based activities, then take your pick from the many beautiful beaches around. Pantai Puteri Dewi (Beach of the Lovely Princess) is a lovely stretch of beach of fine white sand and shimmering blue sea, on the fringes of lush green tropical forests. A resort in this curving wide bay provides ample accommodation in an elegant cosmopolitan setting.

Pasir Bogak is the largest and most popular beach on the island. The beach is crescent shaped and numerous shady trees provide idyllic picnic spots under the canopy of their lush foliage. The water is shallow and crystal clear, offering endless hours of fun and frolic in the sunlit sea. There are facilities for boating, fishing and snorkelling.

Teluk Nipah is an enchanting secluded bay on the west coast, accessible only by bicycle or motorcycle from Pasir Bogak and Teluk Belanga.