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Penang (槟城)

哥尼通道(Gurney Drive)
檳城的濱海消閒步道,可以看海濤賞海景,挑個星期天到這裡,小販兜售紙鳶,在海邊放風箏,輕鬆愜意。到City Bayview Hotel的旋轉餐廳,一邊享用美味佳餚,一邊可從不同的高角度鳥瞰檳城市區和海濱美景。要感受懷舊風情,可在傍晚時分到新關仔角的海邊,一邊吹海風,一邊品嚐檳城叻沙、紅豆冰、炒粿條等美食,肯定跟本地的所謂的“檳城美食”的口味與感覺完全不同。
coastal recreation trail, you can see Haitao sea tours, pick a Sunday here, hawkers selling kite, flying kites at the beach, relaxing. To the City Bayview Hotel's revolving restaurant, while enjoying delicious cuisine, while the high from a different angle aerial view of Penang city and waterfront views. Feelings of nostalgia to be closed in the evening to the new angle of the Aberdeen coast, while blowing sea breeze, sip Penang laksa, red bean ice, Char Kway Teow and other food, much to do with the local so-called "Penang food" taste and feel completely different.


Pearl of the Orient
= Penang Penang Island and the state is a common component Peninsula Gateway province. Two public land is a total length of 13.5 miles of the Penang Bridge is connected to the left along the bridge is one of Asia's longest bridge. In addition, there are also ferry services to the province leading to Wei.
Penang Island is located in George Town is the capital of the state, which is a city rich in history and tradition, and now it has been planned and developed into a modern metropolis. Penang still retains some areas of very ancient past and elegant footprint, such as: narrow streets, tricycle, temples and other cargo handling industry hard scene, which seems to belong to a forgotten era of the scene.

Penang Map
升旗山(Penang Hill)
Malaysia's first summer resort, 830 meters high mountain, visitors can reach the summit by train, the whole hour and a half. Fresh mountain air, cool breeze from the mountains overlooking George Town. The train system had been in service since 1923.

是英国殖民政府在远东建立的第一个政商据点!以英国国王乔治三世命名。2008年,有两百多年历史的槟城 首府乔治市,被联合国教科文组织入选为世界文化遗产,许多人渐渐注意到这宁静向海的槟榔城,竟遗留了数以万计的十九世纪英国殖民建筑,居全马之冠。这些混 杂着欧式、闽南、回教与南洋形式的老建筑,见证了一个充满野心与冒险的年代,航海、***家与豪商巨贾的轶事传说。

当英人法兰西斯•莱特(Captain Francis Light)于1786年初发现它时,岛上遍布茂密的丛林,其中有很多槟榔 树,故得名槟榔屿。在莱特的谕令下,吉打州苏丹于同年将此岛割让予英国东印度公司。槟城自从成为英国在远东的第一个贸易门户之后,便一直是个东西合璧的繁 华大都市。除了遗留着殖民地历史的痕迹,它也充分反映出一个马来、中华、印度及娘惹各族群文化的大融合,岛上诸多的历史及文化景物便是见证。
康華麗斯古堡(Fort Cornwallis)
Captain Wright in 1786 landing sites in Penang, was originally a wooden castle, later changed to cement buildings. Castle in the existing open-air theater, historical center of the corridor and souvenirs for sale. The Netherlands also gave soft Fo Sudan cannon placed on display here.
檳城最高建築物,樓高65層,是州政府部門和私人機構的辦公室,也設有百貨公司、免稅品商店、餐館、電影院,遊人可登上55樓,檳城市景盡收眼底。 這座最大的購物中心隔鄰,也有商場、小店和娛樂消閒場所、街邊的網絡咖啡座、早期南洋風格的傳統咖啡店、街頭小販販賣的冰球、炒麵、原味雲吞麵等,邊吃邊看,很有童年的味道。
Penang tallest buildings, 65 stories high level, the state government and the private sector office, also has department stores, duty free shops, restaurants, movie theaters, visitors can board the 55 floor, panoramic view of Penang city views. This largest shopping mall next door, there are shopping malls, shops and entertainment places of leisure, street internet cafe, a traditional coffee shop style of early Southeast Asia, street vendors selling ice hockey, fried noodles, wonton noodles flavor, while eat while watching, great taste of childhood.

马来西亚重要港口,槟榔屿州首府,全国第二大城市。又称乔治市。面积23平方千米。人口约24.8万。位于槟榔屿岛东北部,马六甲海峡北口,槟榔屿海峡西岸。离大陆 3.2千米。年平均气温26.9℃, 年降水量2434毫米。1786年辟为自由港,为印度一中国航线上的停泊港。后发展成海峡殖民区首府和商业中心。工业居西马来西亚北部地区首位,生产锡、 大米、椰油、肥皂、藤竹器、电子仪器等。80年代,横贯西马来西亚北部的东西(北海一哥打巴鲁)大道通车,兴建 8 千米长连结槟城与大陆的槟威大桥,密 切了槟城与西海岸带的联系, 扩大了腹地 。 槟城港占全国各港总吞吐量的25%,出口橡胶、棕油、锡与木材,进口燃料、糖与肥料。名胜有蛇庙和万佛塔。 附近有槟城大学。

植物園(Botanical Gardens)
The 20-hectare tropical garden, the garden has a waterfall across, surrounded by green trees, flowers, colorful, quiet. Botanical Garden is also raising a monkey, just like modern Huaguoshan.